My Games & Webapps

Here are some games & webapps you can play with on the site. For non-web games I've worked on see About Me.


Try to get from A to B in the fewest steps! Guess countries to make a path.

Wordle Squared

Wordle in a 2d grid! Find all intersecting words by guessing rows or columns.

(Killer) Sudoku Solver

A fast solver for sudokus and killer sudokus of various kinds using rust and webassembly.

Coinflip Simulator

Simulate thousands of coin flips of different thicknesses, friction, and more. All in search of the 'perfect' 3-sided coin, or just to create chaos.


Try to extinguish all lights in a grid. Part of a bigger post exploring the properties of the game, you can also just hang out and play lights out!